Thursday, February 21, 2013

China And Bulls.

       Many years ago there was a professional wrestler named Hans Schmidt. Hans was the bad guy wrestler. You know the type. He would do something not allowed when the ref couldn't see it happen but then claim he didn't do it.  Then when the camera was on him and the ref was behind him, he'd do it again and then claim "Clean, Clean." I'm reminded of him when China makes similar claims.
       Now this cyber espionage is taking place and the Chinese military is sneaking into nearly every facet of our government and industry. They're stealing our technology and government secrets. Hey I'm sure they know more about our government than the President or Congress does. But their standard claim is that they do not do anything unlawful. They're "clean, clean."
       This is the country that we keep hearing is such a good trading partner. We need them, so the sayings go. Well, yes, we do need to do business with them, but no we don't need to give them easy access to all our secrets. And here's the reason why; One of these days some Chinese scientist is going to figure out how to use all that data they stole from us.
       When our companies want to do business in China, they have to build manufacturing facilities in China and give them more secret technology. If a company wants to do business with China, they still have to turn over technology or they're out of luck. Ya know, if all these companies were smart, they'd say no to China. China would still need the products, China would still have to buy from American companies and from  other countries. China on it's own couldn't have figured out how to do the actual manufacturing without getting that info from us.
      It's time to wake up and smell the damned roses. We'd soon enough find out it ain't roses the Chinese are holding in front of our noses. Bulls provide what the Chinese are holding in front of our noses.

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