Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mark Sanford, Man Of The Great Outdoors.

       Well, what's new on the political front? Oh, here's one.  Former Gov Mark Sanford of South Carolina has announced he's throwing his hat in the ring for the Congressional seat for Charleston. In his speech he said that he had made a mistake, like everyone does at some point in our lives. True enough, although most of us don't make quite as big a mistake as Mr. Sanford did, he is at least admitting it.
       You remember, he's the governor who decided to take a hike on the Appalachian Trail and somehow wound up in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  I had no idea how far that mountain range extended. Now in case you don't know, Argentina is somewhere between the South Pole and Brazil. I can see how easy it would be to get mixed up and instead of winding up on a mountain trail, you find yourself in Buenos Aires. See, if you think you've arrived at the local bus station but actually you're at the airport, it would be easy to get on the wrong bus, er, I mean the wrong plane. Even the extra long ride might not spark a question in your mind.
       And once in Buenos Aires, it's a simple mistake to hike to your girlfriend's house. And who would know where you are? All the news reporters would be out on the Appalachian Trail trying to get a human interest story from you. Little did they know that you had a real human interest. In your girlfriend. Hey, even your wife didn't know you weren't roughing it, or is that rough-housing it.
       So I'd say that, yes you did make a simpleton mistake by getting on the wrong means of transportation. And yes you did make a simple mistake of having a girlfriend on the side and yes you did make the mistake of trying to hide it. But you finally did the right thing by stepping down as governor and getting a divorce.
       So now he's born again and wants to make amends and serve the people and get paid doing it. I guess the question that needs to be asked is whether or not he's all done with mistakes for good or might there be another hike in his future. As a man of the wilderness, will he strike out again, this time to brave the wilds of the French Riviera or perhaps Bali Bali or will he stay home and just get paid by the people?

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