Monday, October 1, 2012

The Debt Problem Solved.

Would you vote for me? How about if I said we need to raise taxes on millionaires? What if I said we need to raise taxes on everyone else too? What if I said we need to raise the retirement age for Social Security to 70 and remove the cap on SS taxes for higher income earners? How about changing payments to hospitals and doctors based on results rather than on each procedure? Okay then, how about if I said we will eliminate all entitlements and subsidies to any company or individual who earns a profit of three times the entitlement or subsidy or has other income sources that provide that ratio, would you still vote for me? Here's one: What if I said we would cut the defense budget by eliminating any and all projects, facilities or weapons systems the military says it doesn't need or want? Because if we did all these things, the country wouldn't go bankrupt until about 2040. If we don't, then the next president would not serve out his term before the country went belly up. Now, Do you think the candidates both know this? You betcha. Will they ever admit it? Not until it's too late. What about the next congress? Do you think they know this? I'm not sure they do. What would they do if they did? Blame the other party. After blaming each other how would they solve the problem? They wouldn't until it's too late. Are you saying that these men and women would not immediately try to save the country? Look at recent history for that answer. They played chicken until it cost the U.S. it's most favored bond rating. They're about to do the same thing with the so called fiscal cliff. But aren't I claiming to do the same as the fiscal cliff? Yep. But more slowly, one at a time, not all at once. So what are my chances of getting elected? Oh, well then what are my chances of getting any votes? Slim. Look, it's like two people standing and looking at a penny on the floor. One calls it heads, the other calls it tails. But neither one will get down on his knee to take a close look.Eventually somebody will come along and claim that penny for himself and the two will be left holding the empty bag.

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