Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dumb Is As Dumb Does.

            Wanna know how screwed up our government is? Well in two different articles this morning, one in the Washington Post and the other in the New York Times, they point to two different acts of stupidity. I don't know any other way to put it. In the first, Vivek Wadhwa tells about the immigration's so called law. A young man studying for his masters here, came up with a great new idea. He applied for a visa, which the government was happy to extend to him, but under the rules of the visa he could not work for a company he starts. So here he is, with a plan to hire, perhaps hundreds of Americans, but can't do it here in America.
           The second story, by James Risen, is about Counter terrorism Offices around the country that in two years did not come up with any, any, usable intelligence. Oh, they made reports. They made 610 reports and countless draft reports. These "Fusion Centers" were sending in reports of information they pulled from publicly reported information. So, I guess if you read it the paper, it'll get reported. Then there is the question of some of the $1.4 billion that was allocated for some Fusion Centers that don't even exist.
           So what does all this tell you? Either somebody is asleep at the wheel or somebody got their license at Walmart. Why would we not allow a smart young man with an idea for a new company with the potential to hire lots of Americans, to "come on in and do your thing?" Why wouldn't we? And why would we spend a billion dollars on offices that, it looks like, do more harm than good? How come? I'll bet I know why. I'll bet it has something to do with Washington. I'm telling ya, there must be something in the water. It must be the Iranians. They must be putting stupid gas in the water. It reacts on 546 people in Washington. Coincidentally  that's how many Senators, Representatives, the President and Vice President and Supreme Court Justices we have. Funny part of it is, they've been doing it for decades.

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