Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pro Life Or Pro Rape?

       This election year has brought us what can only be described as some rather strange information from some even stranger individuals. What's worse is many of these strange individuals are running for Congress. I could say that one is running for President. I say strange for him because he seems to be for or against whatever anyone wants at any given moment. Another is a gambling tycoon with too much money for his own good.
       But the really strange people have chosen to run for Congress. A couple are in the House and running for the Senate. There are five individuals who I would classify as completely without mental capacity. One talks about legitimate rape victims being able to magically stop pregnancies. Obviously illegitimate rape victims do not have this power.
       But he is not alone in being pro life to the point of being willing to put everything on the line to stand up and, in their dazed condition, explain that either women who get raped are easy to rape, or that God wanted it that way.
       To these men we can attribute the newest demographic within the borders of America. It's a demographic that these men have recognized and now place their hopes of election to high office with. Yes folks, this is a demographic that Democratic and most Republican candidates have missed entirely. How else to explain the lack of attention to this portion of the electorate?
       Now I know the suspense to know what this demographic truly is must be mounting. At this point, please take two pencils, one in each hand, and give me a drum roll. Ladies and gentlemen, the name of this newly recognized demographic is PRPL or Pro Rape/Pro lifers. I can foresee elections of the future when candidates will show xxx rated films to attract members of this demographic. So let's have three cheers for these pioneer candidates.

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