Friday, October 5, 2012

Just How Many Jobs Is That?

       I'm sorry, but both President Obama and Governor Romney have missed the point. And the media isn't making an issue of it either. But the thing is, creating 12 million jobs won't fix the economy by itself. They just keep harping on creating jobs and the jobless rates and the number of unemployed. And I realize that if you're one of those unemployed, it is very important information. But it's not the answer to the problem they keep talking about.
       Look. If you created 12 million new jobs tomorrow, and each and every new job paid $80,000 per year. At 20% tax rate, that would come to $192 billion increased revenue. But the annual deficit is $1.3 trillion. It's $1.6 trillion if you factor in the increase to the defense budget Mr Romney wants. So after you deduct the $192 billion, it leaves $1.405 trillion in deficit. And then if you don't raise any taxes and don't cut defense, where do you think it's gonna come from? By the way, to eliminate the deficit, you'd have to create 81 million new jobs. And the current workforce in the U.S. is 154 million jobs.
       I can tell you this much. Cutting out Big Bird ain't gonna fix the problem. PBS gets billions, but it's in the single digits. That's not even a light snack for the budget. So what's left? Entitlements. That's what's left. And if you think eliminating food stamps will do it, you're really kidding yourself. Food Stamps are another (less than) light snack.
       Maybe if you completely eliminated Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid you'd get close. But you still wouldn't be there. Maybe ending mortgage interest deductions and all safety-net programs would do the job. That means your 92 year old grandmother will have to go out and get a job. Maybe one of those $80,000 a year jobs the candidates are promising.
       Now I'm not going to pretend I have the answers. I don't, but I'm not getting paid to have the answers. I'm not applying for the job either. But it's past time for somebody to step up to the plate and tell the truth. Just a simple "here's a real honest to goodness plan" would do nicely.

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