Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What Energy Policy?

Ya know all those children we've elected to represent us in Washington over the last few decades? Well they're throwing tantrums. Again. Or yet. It's time for some truths. There is no such thing as clean coal. It pollutes the air, the water and the ground. Coal kills. There's no such thing as unlimited oil reserves. And we don't control enough oil to support our needs and certainly not our desires. Oil pollutes the air, the water and the ground. Oil kills. Natural Gas pollutes. The chemicals that are used to extract gas are poison too. Natural gas pollutes the air, the water and the ground. Natural Gas kills. Nuclear energy is poison. It, or it's spent fuel, pollutes the air, the water and the ground. Nuclear Kills. What's left in large enough supply to meet our needs, never mind our desires? The answer? Right now, nothing! So what's the answer? Well, we could continue on the current course until we destroy our civilization if not the planet, or we can come up with some responsible plan to wean ourselves off undesirable,  poisonous energy and onto some, as yet undecided, unrealized energy form. To do that we'll need a responsible transition plan as well. But here's the real question. It's not what form of energy we need to move toward. It's not which forms of energy we need to eliminate first or how quickly to do it. It's not even who will profit the most from any changes or decisions. No. The real question is, do we have elected representatives who are adult enough to make those decisions? Do you really want my opinion?

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