Saturday, April 9, 2011

Did We Actually Elect All Those Folks?

Just like in the past, we've all elected representatives to go to Washington to do our will. That is, to govern our country in a civilized, honest, effective manner. Just like in the past, we've elected ill-manored children who are playing at the adult game of governing. Just like in the past, they're doing a poor job of it. The only difference I can see is that right now, during these trying times of three wars, very high unemployment and deep indebtedness, we chose boys and girls to do an extremely important and difficult job and  they seem woefully unequal to the task. Either that or they aren't taking the task seriously. We expected them to work on creating jobs, yet I've seen little to convince me they had anything to do with it. In fact it looks more like the job creating we're seeing, seems to be in spite of their best or worst efforts. We sent them to Washington to tackle the debt. But if this latest effort is an indication of their brave concentration on that matter, we shall never see an end to that matter. We sent them to Washington to protect us from the  untrustworthy and unexpected, but they seem to have no interest in such work. The one thing they seem to have learned just enough to be dangerous with, is brinkmanship. Now, there is a time and a place for such adult games, but this was hardly the time or the place for it. And they showed poor judgement in the prosecution of the game. Rather, they should have been working for a common goal. I realize there needs to be room for honest differences of opinion, but that was not displayed here. There was no honest difference of opinion of representatives of the same group of people striving for a common goal. What was displayed was strong representation for the two or three separate political parties and each ideology. Is that why we elected these kids? When you went to the election place, and stepped into the booth, were you intent on bringing about deadlock and confusion? Or were you there to appoint someone to do a job that would help you and your neighbors? I had hoped these young folk would show the world how a strong America could solve it's problems and be strengthened by the effort. What I saw was a group of unruly children, without supervision, running in a dozen different directions, without purpose, except to irritate the other members of the group. I suppose this was in order to set the stage for the larger battles to come. Our coinage states "In God We Trust". We must, because I fear we cannot trust in our elected officials.

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