Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Answer To The National Budget Debates.

Wouldn't ya just know it? There's a proposal on the table for the national 2012 budget by the Republican Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. His plan is to cut six trillion $$$ over the next ten years from President Obama's plan. How can that be? I mean six trillion is nothing to sneeze at. Especially when you consider that it includes a tax cut for corporations like BP, Exxon and GE (who paid nothing) and the wealthy from 35% to 25%. Of course it's meaningless for GE, but that's quite a saving. Well, for one thing it privatizes Medicare, an idea only a Republican could love, and not all of them. It cuts Medicaid way back, which means that the poor will have to do without, again. Then it cuts out the idea of insuring all those that the new Healthcare plan insured. That's a quick way to eliminate the so called, Obama Healthcare plan. Again something only a Republican could love, and not all of them. So, where does all the rest of the savings come from, and how do we make up for the tax cuts for the rich? To tell the truth, I think there's some of that fuzzy math involved. Of course Congressman Ryan assures everyone there's no smoke and mirrors to this plan, but just remember he is a politician. I've got a plan that would allow for those tax cuts, along with tax cuts for the middle class and the poor. Of course my plan would not be well liked by the likes of Mr. Ryan, but it would save Social Security, Medicare and Medcaid as well as all of the current entitlements, defense, and give everybody a raise and a sizable tax refund. It could pay off the national debt in two years, Mr Ryan's plan wouldn't do that until, maybe, the end of the century. What ya do is you take all the money donated to political campaigns and PACs and turn it over to the IRS. This plan would also provide funding for all national, state and local campaigns and still have money left to fund NPR, PBS and family planning for everyone, whether they want it or not it. Why, we could even finish building that useless fence along our southern border. Not to mention both party's national conventions, also useless. Think about it. Now if we could only institute it in time to get the 2011 budget funded before 2011 runs out. Another idea would be to outlaw politicians. Think about that one.

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