Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Holster That Hog Leg, Uncle Sam.

All right then. Let's talk about the eight hundred pound gorilla in the room. We could have talked about the twelve hundred pound polar bear, but nobody in Washington seems to care about his plight. Okay then. Here it is. We keep worrying about medicare, medicaid and a lot of other entitlements that won't solve the budget crisis on their own. So what's the answer? Well it ain't good intentions. I'll tell ya that much. But if you really want to know, then take out your world map and look toward the east of Europe. No not Japan, although a shortage of car parts is a bit of a problem. And it's not China, although China presents a whole other set of problems. It's the middle east and I'm including Afghanistan and Pakistan in that group. We've got four wars going on, all at the same time. If you don't think that's costing us our rainy day savings, you'd better think again. In fact we're way past that fund. We're deep into our life savings. It's costing us between three and four billion dollars a week, yes, I said a week, and yes I said three and four billion dollars, to play "world cop". Now don't get me wrong. I hate to see people get pushed around or killed by all these two bit Caesars. But it's gonna happen whether or not we do anything about it. In fact, it seems the more we try to stop that sort of thing, the more it's happening. Nobody likes a show-off. And nobody likes the guy who wants to act like the good cop, but can't seem to stop pushing our plan on everyone else. It's like a used car salesman. Ya need them, but ya don't have to like them. On MSNBC this morning, Rep. Barney Frank hit it right on the head when he said that the rest of the world can have sound economies because they have the U.S.A. to protect the world from itself. Except that even they don't have such sound economies these days. It's time for the "other guy" to carry the tin star for a change. We need a breather. Our military needs a breather. And we need to learn how to stop telling other people what to do. We ain't Wyatt Earp any more.

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