Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Wrong Gut.

       In spite of my wish that we would pull our troops out of foreign conflicts around the world, I have to say that doing it with no real rationale other than a phone call from Turkey seems to be more than a decision to pull troops out of combat situations. It seems like a more likely reason is a case of Wage The Dog. Pull one bad trick to draw attention away from another. Look at what's going on around the country.
       President Trump has had more aids convicted or indicted of criminal acts than any other president in history. He's got more top aids leave or been fired by him than any president. And it's not unlikely that he will be indicted himself. If not soon than as soon as he is no longer president. The only reason he won't be impeached and convicted is that there aren't enough Republicans in the Senate willing to go against him.
       We're stuck with him until at least 2020. And in those two years., we're in for a rough road. Trump treats our allies like he treated dishonest property owners in New York. Kick them around and if you lose a friend, so what. There are others to choose from, even enemies will work. He can't see beyond the city and doesn't want to.
       That's why he isn't interested in reports and analysis from trained aids. He doesn't want to hear why it's a bad time to pull troops out or not. He only goes by his gut feelings and promises from anyone he looks to as a strong leader. In the course of two years, either the past two or the next two, Donald Trump is likely to get us in deep trouble, if he hasn't already.

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