Monday, June 11, 2018

Too Much.

       I'm hopeful that the Trump - Kim summit will meet with success, but I have two questions that are bothering me, neither of which is directly related to the summit. First, I'd like to know why our foreign policy seems to be to warm up to our enemies and at the same time alienate our closest allies? First we have a crush on Putin, then we befriend China by dropping our tariffs on them, then we back out of our deal on Iran, and now sitting down with Kim of NK.
       But at the same time we've been badmouthing our allies and partners backing out of deals like the Paris Peace Accord on global warming and now blowing up the G7 meeting. What's the deal? Are we turning into a Jihadist-Communist-dictatorship fiefdom?
       The second question is not so divisive. But how come the price of gasoline has gone up so much and without even a small outcry. I remember the last time the price at the pump slid up that much even Congress got into the shouting match. Are we all that satisfied with the increases in the price of go-juice that we think we can afford it so, let em rip.
       I have to say, I for one ain't happy with the slide upward in the price. Somebody is making a killing on this and it ain't me. Isn't it time for all of us to start badgering our Congressmen and Senators about it? Because last time that got us lower prices on gas. And isn't that what we all want?

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