Thursday, October 12, 2017

Come On Congress.

       Ya know, when it comes right down to it, it ain't Trump's fault and we shouldn't be finding fault with him all the time. After all, it's Congress' fault for not reigning him in. Congress has the authority to stop him in his tracks on a lot of issues, like talking down a free speech press and threatening world leaders with war and economic hardships if they don't agree with him.
       Congress has the authority to put Trump out of office if they had the courage to do anything at all. But they have trouble deciding which side of the bed to get out of in the morning. Talk about gutless wonder girls and boys. Now to be fair some in Congress and the Senate have shown the backbone to speak out against Trump, but that's as far as they go. Others sort of mumble agreement and then go on to their far more important consideration of what name to assign to a new post office.
       Not even a slap to let him know he's not the emperor of America. I'll bet I could find more stand up courage in a Brownie troop or Cub Scout pack. Ya know, talking about how bad Trump is, just doesn't get the job done. What those kinds of statements mean is "I really am afraid to go against the President because he might get me beat in the next election."
       That's a heck of a reason to avoid doing the right thing. They call themselves good or even great Americans when in fact, they're poor excuses of Americans. They should be thrown out of office. Even if they're Trump supporters. In fact, especially if they're Trump supporters. Look, I have nothing personally against Trump. I think the way he made his money was more than a bit shady, but I never had any dealings with him so I can't say for sure. Let's just say I've heard he didn't pay his bills and screwed his tenants, and that's supposed to make him a suitable President?

1 comment:

  1. Well done - Congress and the President are certainly not public servants.
