Monday, June 12, 2017

Two Isn't Enough.

       Ya know, I can't help thinking we're headed for a three party system in this country, and I think that might be a good thing. Let's face it the far right of the Republican party is already pretty well set as it's own party. They're so set in their demands for purity that nobody can even look across the isle at a democrat.
       Then there's the far left of the Democratic party. They seem to be headed for the same purity. They won't even look at the progressive wing of their our party. Then you have the middle of both parties. Moderate Republicans and progressive Democrats in the middle would need to come together in the spirit of cooperation. Now there's a novel idea.
       The problem is that this middle party, while having a majority over either end of the spectrum, wouldn't have a majority of Congress or the American voters. The only difference is that at least everyone would be honest in where they stand. The Tea Partiers would be holding their AK47s and the Sanders Soldiers would be standing there with their brooms to sweep away anything that didn't seem fair and honest.
       As for the Middle Men, they'd still be OWMIC (Old Whit Men In Charge) without the support to do anything. I suppose this three party system would solve nothing, but if everyone were required to change the names of the parties they're registered with and none of the three parties were allowed to use Republican or Democrat in their names it might require every citizen the give a a little thought to what party they'd like their name emblazoned with.

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