Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wake Up Call.

       The most concerning event in the life of our democracy is the beginning of the false truths, or the "alternative fact." When truth becomes a falsehood and lies become fact, our democracy and our liberty will almost surely disappear. It's not a conservative thing and it's not a liberal thing, its the end of a republic, its the end of a democracy. That's when authoritarianism can take over.
       That's why we need to hold politicians and the media to account. Fact checking is a really big deal and when politics creeps into the checking of facts, that's an even bigger deal. We need independent, non biased reporting on lies. And no media outlet should be able to support proven lies without providing a caveat to their support.
       I realize we can't mess much with the news media and the First Amendment, but maybe we can tweak it just a bit so as to fight false news, false truth and alternative facts. They need to be outlawed. Of course there's a problem with doing that because it opens the door to all kinds of mischief, So it kinda looks like our desire to be completely free and open leaves us completely open and free to be taken advantage of.
       The only way to stop this kind of mischief from taking over our country is to demand the truth, like it or not. And there will be times when we won't like it at all. When your political beliefs are challenged by the truth, we'll have to swallow hard and accept it. Some times the bitter pill is the best cure. I like America as it was designed. What about you?

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