Friday, July 1, 2016

Success At Last.

       This morning on Morning Jo, I heard what I think is the best explanation for Donald Trump's success in this presidential campaign. It has nothing to do with his name calling, his thin skin or any of his attributes real or imagined. It has everything to do with his promise. His success in business and his failures are only sidelights that illuminate his experience.
       Every other candidate he's campaigned against has undervalued his promise. They all have stated they would do everything in their power to improve our lives, to bring back and create jobs, higher paying jobs, or something to that effect. Donald Trump hasn't fallen into that trap though. He has stated flatly that once elected, great jobs, higher paying jobs, WILL come back and America WILL be great again, greater than ever. He, Donald Trump, will make it happen because he knows how.
       Never mind that he has no experience at running a government, he exudes certainty. He will, he can, he knows, he does and he does all these things with no proof other than his word. He has and is giving his word that all this good will come to pass if only you will vote for him. Its not unlike the televangelists of old. All you have to do is pray and give them money and all your ills will be cured, you'll be rich and healthy. In other words. its snake oil folks.
       But to people who are struggling, who are in debt, homeless, unable to care for your family as you had hoped, for these folks, they've heard the promises before. Politicians who promise to do their best to make things better if elected. But once in office, nothing changes. Jobs continue to disappear, wages seem to get lower, promises unfulfilled.
       Then along comes Donald Trump. He assures people that he WILL make things better because he knows how, it WILL happen. He doesn't sound like the promises of the past, his are the assurances of the now. He can make things better because he's so very successful. Snake oil! But it sells because he's sure and those long suffering folks are buying that snake oil because they need to believe.

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