Sunday, August 9, 2015


       Did you happen to watch the two Republican debates on Thursday? I know, I know, it's way too early to bother wasting time on such things, but it did point out one item that they all agreed on. Well actually there were several. Hate anything Obama, hate anything Clinton. There was that other one. You know, the one about the Pro Birth thing.
       If there's one thing that isn't Obamaish or Clintonesque, it's the Anti-Choice movement. the Pro-Birth movement. Oh I know, they like to call it the Pro-Life movement, but as has been pointed out, you can't call yourself Pro-Life if your only concern is that those babies get born.
      The thing is, though, if you tend to forget about those babies once they're born, if you don't demand funding for the programs that look after the health, nutrition and education, as well as affordable housing and a host of other necessities for those babies, then you really aren't Pro-Life-After Birth, are you now.
       It's a fine thing to want to protect an unborn child. After all that child can't protect itself. But seeing that the child has a chance to be born isn't even half the job. If the child is part of an affluent family, they're in good hands. But if they happen to draw a poor single mother struggling to stay afloat by herself, don't you really have to see that that infant and later, the young child and teen has the helping hands to prepare him or her for a fruitful life as an adult?
       That's the rest of the job of being Pro-Life. And if you're not prepared to do those things, then do you really have the right to call yourself Pro-Life? If not, then at least be honest. Call yourself Pro-Birth and be done with it.

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