Thursday, February 12, 2015

Well Trickle My Funnybone.

       Well, here's good news. According to an article in the Daily Kos, February 11, yesterday, the 1 percenters made their last payment to Social Security for the year. That's right. By Feb. 11, 2015, they've paid in their full share to Social Security. Wantta know why? Because there's a cap of  $118,500 in taxable income. So if you make more than that amount, you don't have to pay anything on the excess amount.
       Now, of the 1% of the population who make more than $118,500 per year, what percentage of those 1 percenters fit into that category? Trick question. The answer is 100 % of the 1%ers fit into that category. And when I say 100% make more than that capped amount, I'm talking way more than that capped amount.
       So why did this subject come up? Because House and Senate Majority party leaders haves explained that the Social Security Disability Insurance Trust Fund is running out of money. But instead of Social Security transferring funds, as they've done 11 times in the past, the current wish is for these folks who receive on average $1200 a month to pay for food, rent and the like, they should go hungry, because after all, the 1%er certainly shouldn't have to pay taxes on ALL their income, right?
       After all, what's the point of being rich if you can't keep all your income? Ya know, if you start taxing the rich, they'll never be able to create jobs anymore. Just like back in the 50s and 60s and 70s when they were taxed as high as 90%. Back then they didn't create any jobs for decades. Oh. No. Wait. They created tens millions of jobs back then. But how in the world could they have created jobs if they were being taxed more that the middle class instead of less?
       IT MUST HAVE BEEN A MIRACLE! There's now other explanation. Why after all, didn't President Reagan explain that in order for the world to be a better place, we had to give to the rich so it could trickle down to the rest of us? And didn't it trickle down to us? Well, something did trickle down to us. But it wasn't what we'd hoped for, expected, been promised.

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