Sunday, January 11, 2015

What's A Quarter Got To Do With It?

       I just read a surprising statistic that I'm not completely sure of. But it's still worth repeating, and that is, that of the 250+ Republicans elected to Congress in the last 5 months, exactly every one of them were white Christians. Now as a white Christian this should give me comfort I suppose, but it doesn't. You may ask what the odds are of that happening, and it is odd indeed.
        27 % of Americans are black or other than white and 24% claim not to be Christian, yet not one is represented in the latest crop of Republican legislators in Washington. Well, back to the odds. There is a 0.28% chance of that happening, according to the Daily Kos. A quarter of one percent. Now why would you suppose that all those non white and non Christians all vote overwhelmingly for the White guy, the Christian guy?
       Of course many are other than Republican, and quite a few probably didn't bother to vote, but not one single non white, non Christian Republican got elected. Ya know, I don't think it just happens that way. I think it takes a herculean effort to make it happen. Then again, the way the party acts towards most minorities and most minority social position, perhaps we shouldn't be surprised. After all, if you think about where the party stands on issues that affect people, you'll find they're against those issues, but on issues that affect corporations, they're overwhelmingly for those issues. At the expense of the people who actually cast votes for them.
       Now all this is not to give a pass to Democrats. These good folks seem more than willing to vote for the corporate cause at the expense of their own voters as well. So let me conclude by saying that, as a white Christian, I'd prefer that all those elected officials in Washington, actually start considering the folks who voted for them. And stop giving so much fealty to the folks who paid for their election bids. I realize it's asking a lot, but then you got a lot.
       Another gripe I have is the near constant claim that you're only doing what our founding fathers wanted. Our founding fathers wanted slavery to continue. They may have been smart for their times. They were certainly smart enough to realize they didn't have all the answers. Otherwise we'd still have slaves or we'd be about fifty little, insignificant countries squabbling with each other and constantly going to war against each other. Our founding fathers clearly expected us to accept change, like it or not. So you Republicans and Democrats, act like your founding fathers. Do what's best for the people, not the corporations.

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