Sunday, July 6, 2014

It's War-time Again? It's time for tax cuts again?

       Well, we've got seven or eight hundred troops back in Iraq. Will we be going back to war, bombing ISIS until.... What? Until we have to send in the troops to fight alongside the Iraqi troops.... Again? War? Again? WAR? Hip, Hip, Hurrah. It's tax cut time again. Remember, we'll be fighting for our national interests.... again, (see oil), so lets hear it for WAR.
       The thing is, though, we tried holding a war party with tax cuts for our last two wars, remember? You remember, the two wars we fought simultaneously. That's how we got started again on the road to national debt. Those wartime tax cuts cost us $4 trillion and counting. They also cost us thousands of American lives, and more than a hundred thousand wounded Americans most of whom will suffer for the rest of their lives and we'll keep paying for those mistakes.
       What is it about those war-hawk leaders of ours? Except for one bitter old POW Senator, nearly all, if not all, of those war-hawks never had a uniform on unless it was in the reserves somewhere or maybe the Boy Scouts. They love to tell us about our national interests, over there. But we export more oil than we buy from Iraq. What other strategic national interests do we have there? Our pride? We gave that up when we invaded Iraq on the pretext of WMDs, which didn't exist except for some old unstable poison gas bombs that might well have exploded before they could have been fired.
       Two Presidents, one from each party, decided enough was enough. What makes anyone think, if we only try again, we can solve all the problems of the Middle East? How many Presidents have tried to solve those problems with no success. Not one success story from any President. No Secretary of State or of Defense or Homeland Security, or even Agriculture or Education. Especially not Education. These war-hawks are un-educateable. One Vice President bragged about the signing of an agreement to pull all our troops out of Iraq and now complains we pulled our troops out of Iraq. What???

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