Monday, March 24, 2014

Dictation Ain't The Same As Dictator.

       The question of the week is whether or not we'll be facing the Soviet Reunion or not? Over a span of three presidents, Soviet leader Vladimir Putin has steadily been leading Russia back to it's former glory. Yes, we have seen how he dealt with the separatists in the breakaway states of Chechnya and Georgia. Now Vlad the Great has retaken Crimea.
       And while he's in the neighborhood, he's looking at the rest of Ukraine. Of course he's assured the west that he has no interest in retaking Ukraine, he is however, holding military training missions in the region, in fact, next to the border with Ukraine. He's got enough boots on the ground to make sure that no Russian natives are in any way inconvenienced which would be sufficient cause to invade to protect that one drunk driver.
       Of course here in America, as the Onion News has stated, there are several varied opinions of what is happening and what we should do about it. They range from appeasement to arming the Ukrainian military with the latest military defensive hardware, and for some, offensive hardware, to  sanctions that will bring the New Soviet Reunion to it's knees , to the "who cares" approach.
       Anybody who can cause this much activity in the minds of thoughtful Americans is certainly someone we can deal with about as easily as we were able to with the fiercest of Soviet Rulers of the good old days. All of which brings a smile to the hearts of the military industrial complex such as no feast at the richest of banquet tables can compare. Yes Vlad the Great has set his place in history and the New Soviet Reunion is well on it way to fruition.
       So, if you long for the good old days of the Cold War, be of good cheer, for it is nearly upon us. This is Vlad's plan for universal  and full employment around the world. After all, it's going to take millions or workers working three shifts to ramp up for the war we all assure each other cannot take place. So we'll build up our missile defense systems and our missile offensive systems to increase the mutual destruction prevention theory. For some of you reading this, it will all seem exciting, while those of you with longer memories may have differing opinions. Here's to the New Soviet Reunion and Vlad the Great.

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