Wednesday, April 3, 2013

There's Lot's Of Good Ideas, Mostly Not.

       Coming soon to a school near you. Fort Sumter. We can build eight foot high walls with concertina wire on top. We can have watchtowers with automatic weaponry. Let's include roving SWOT teams in the halls of our elementary schools.  Perhaps we can devise drones for our high schools. All sound ideas for the school of the future. Classroom doors could be automatically closing and made of three inch steel. Six inch thick windows would be a nice touch too, I wonder if we could convert armored cars into school buses?
       Just one thing though. Do not stop anyone from buying guns for criminals. Proposed laws making it illegal to be involved in gun trafficking should clearly be defeated as being anti-business and against the best interests of the gun manufacturers, not to mention the NRA.
        What about background checks? What, and have the government find out some criminal wants to buy a gun? Well, what about banning those hi-capacity magazines and assault weapons? Why, again, the gun manufacturers and their lobby, the NRA, won't allow such profit busting schemes.
        What we need here is smaller government. Small enough so as not to be able to stop anyone from buying guns, but large enough to fund those SWOT teams in schools. Small enough to allow for 40 hours or so for training for Miss Daintylady to shoot an AR-15, but large enough to place a company of special forces troops in each and every school in America.
       But what about home-schoolers? Shouldn't we provide weaponry for each mom and dad? A gun in the hand is worth two in the bush. Instead of hiding a key under the mat, make it a 45. Taking a shower? There's nothing wrong with an AK-47 slung over the shoulder. A bubble bath? Make it a glock. I can see the dollar signs mounting up at the NRA.

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