Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Checks And Balances Are Sometimes Good, Sometimes not.

       Well, that dastardly demon of the depths of depravity, the United Nations, has tried to do it again. They tried to take away the rights of all freedom loving people around the world. Yes, and they succeeded in pulling to wool over the eyes of everyone except the favored five. It seems that every country has agreed to the treaty that calls for making it illegal for any country to sell weapons to any terrorists, their organizations or any country who is a terrorist nation.
       It's true, every country in the entire world voted in favor except for the five saviors. They are Syria, Iran, North Korea, the NRA, and the U.S. Senate. These five have single handedly kept the world safe for the gun manufacturers and exporters. Now North Korea can still sell a nuke to anyone it chooses, Iran can still support Hezbollah, Syria can still plan to use it's chemical weapons or sell them at their own discretion, the NRA can still collect it's commissions from gun manufacturers and can still support their favorite Senators. Who, coincidentally, supported the NRA's position to support the gun manufacturers.
       Surprisingly The United States voted for the treaty, but because of the Senate's vote, will be unable to enter into the treaty. The reasons given vary from, its a threat to take away all our freedoms and rights, to, we won't be able to sell any weapons to our enemies anymore. This last is surely a real danger to our economy. How will our enemies arm themselves in order to get us to go to war against them, thereby producing more gun sales to our own military.
       Let's hear it for the fabulous five. Without them, the world might not be able to enter into another game of All Out War, our favorite pastime. How would we ever justify our Department of Homeland Security? Our soldiers would be forced to give up their mangled bodies and death and would have to yield to good health. These five are truly a blessing.

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