Thursday, April 18, 2013

Politics, Food For Thought.

       Have you ever wondered why millions of people around the world are starving? Have you ever wondered why there's a push to grow food to convert it to biofuel when plants like switchgrass and sugar cane can be used instead? Have you ever wondered why the U.S. government pays farmers not to grow food? Now I assure you that the government and everyone else knows that all these people are starving to death, and I'm sure the government and pretty much everyone else knows that farmers are getting paid not to grow food.
       You'd think government would figure out the correlation between the two, wouldn't you? You'd think everybody else would figure that out too, wouldn't you? Well, apparently nobody has figured it out. Either that or nobody really cares one way or the other. I'll bet it's because the folks that are starving to death can't afford to buy food, even if it was available.
       But why not subsidize farmers to grow food, and then send it to the people who are starving, and not charge them for the food. I mean, as long as we're paying farmers anyway, doesn't it make sense to have them grow food? And doesn't it make sense to send the surplus to starving people?
       The other advantage is that we wouldn't be paying any farmers who have no intention of growing food anyway, or the land is so worthless that they can't grow anything on it anyway. I have no idea how many people that would affect, but if their intent isn't honest, we shouldn't be paying them anyway.
       Now I suppose that would add up to bigger government, but that's the kind of bigger government we should all applaud. Then as people begin to be able to pay for the food we send to them, then they can begin to pay what they can. That way, they'll feel like they are beginning to control their own destiny.

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