Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What's All This With Iran?

Can anyone explain to me just how we can implement the rules congress put on us to stop Iran from developing a nuclear bomb? I mean, I understand they want us to make it almost impossible for
Iran to sell it's oil by making it nearly impossible for any other country or company to do business with Iran and America too. I get that. What I don't get is how we do that and make sure Iran doesn't retaliate by shutting down the Strait of Hormuz? This Strait of Hormuz is the bottleneck in the Persian Gulf where most of the worlds oil comes from. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, UAE, and Iran, you name it, if they've got oil, there's a good chance they ship it through this Strait of Hormuz. And anyone who thinks Iran can't sink a tanker or two and effectively block the strait isn't thinking clearly. Now, don't get me wrong, I think we could stop Iran in it's tracks. Well except that we really can't afford to get into another war with another fanatical dictatorship. Especially one as big as Iran. Why do you think we chose to invade Iraq instead of Iran? Iran would have been a much tougher foe. That and the fact that they do have the ability to block that strait and cut off all that oil. Think we've got a fragile economy now? Try it without Saudi oil and double or triple the price of gasoline and heating oil. So then it comes down to letting them shut off oil supplies to half the world or letting them build a bomb.
So you might say they would never shut the strait because it would stop their ability to ship oil too, right? Two things here.  We said we were going to stop their ability to sell their oil anyway and nobody has suggested that Iran is run by level headed leaders who would not do anything to provoke America. Remember our Embassy in Iran? The one they overran and held our diplomats hostage for about a year? I don't think provoking America is something they worry about a lot. I'm not sure what would worry them. But whatever it is, it still might not stop them from hurting us. And like I said, we really don't need another war right now.

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