Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oh, China's At It Again.

Here's the problem with China. When we export a Jeep Grand Cherokee of similar SUV or car to China, they have built in tariffs that increase the price of the vehicle. That Jeep that might sell for $28,000 in America will cost you $85,000 in China. Pretty steep. Now they're increasing the fees by about 22%. That'll put the price for a Jeep over the $100,000 mark. Now I should say that while Jeeps are nice, they ain't in the $100 K+ category. Of course the WTO will have some say as to whether or not that fee will be allowed. See, China is mad because we complained about their subsidizing solar panels they sell in America making them cheaper than it costs the Chinese companies to manufacture them. So what's wrong with that? Well if America would like to create jobs in the solar panel industry, and it would, it will make it impossible to sell them unless the American company is willing and able to sell them for less than the cost of making them. It would be a neat trick if they could do it, but I'm pretty sure it would put the company out of business in short order. That's because companies are really in business to make money, not give it away. Now if the employees would be willing to pay to work for that company instead of being paid by the company, it might work. Thing is though, I don't know anybody who would be willing or able to work under those conditions. So China is not playing fair and got mad that they got caught. That's too bad for them, but it's not too bad for us. If we didn't catch them when they cheat, they'd quick enough put all of our industries out of business. I'm not sure how they think we'd then be able to afford their products, but I can tell you that we most assuredly would not. The thing is,world trade depends on everybody playing by the same set of rules. Many countries, in fact most countries do play fair. But a few prefer to have an edge. They like to get that edge by cheating. Those are the guys you have to watch out for. It just so happens that China is one of those guys. It's not the Chinese people that are the problem. It's the leadership. Ain't it funny how leaders are usually the problem? No matter what the problem is?

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