Friday, December 16, 2011

Boy, Doesn't It Feel Great To Be Safer Now?

Well, it looks like it's official. We could well see the day when speaking out against the government could land you in prison, without trial, for life. Folks like me might have to go into hiding and hope they can't be found and will probably have to stop saying anything about the government at all, just to be safe. You think I'm kidding? The new rule applies to terrorists and it states that terror suspects must be turned over to the military (which doesn't want them) for incarceration and interrogation. What's wrong with that? Here's the thing, terror suspect is open to interpretation. And since you wouldn't have the right to a lawyer and since you would be held incommunicado, forever, who's to say whether or not you're a terrorist or just fed up with the government. That's because terrorists are usually unhappy with the government for one reason or another. So if you speak out against the government, you could be considered a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer or are fomenting terrorism. Anyway you slice it, one night you could find yourself hauled off to a special hoosegow where you'll get the chance to feel like your drowning or get hooked up to the car battery. Just imagine how much you'll enjoy sleeping on a cold concrete bed. Anyway, you get to enjoy all these luxuries, compliments of our Congress and the President. Congress slipped it into the defense budget and the President, after hemming and hawing for a little bit, has agreed to accept it. Is this a great country or what? The whole idea is to make us all safer from terrorism. If you're in a "detention Center" you will be safe from terrorism, I'm sure. That is unless you consider torture to be a form of terrorism. So I guess the thinking is that if only we would be willing to give up enough, or all, of our civil rights and all other rights, the government can make us safe. Or at least those the government considers worthy of being safe, will be safe. That probably doesn't include me. How about you?

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