Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Woodwork Candidates

Have you been following the riots in France lately? Now admittedly, France is a country that has long seemed to be somewhat paranoid. Or at least it's people do. I mean, just because people were starving, they beheaded Marie. Poor gal. And all she wanted is for folks to eat cake. Back to the present. The French are as mad as wet hens because the government wants them to work two more years. Yep, you heard it right. Retirement age is to move from 60 to 62. Why, you'd think they were being asked to eat cake again. So why do they have to work longer? It's the economy. It's bad just like ours, who knows maybe worse. Anyway one problem is there are too many retired French people collecting pensions. So instead of using a guillotine, they're making people work longer. It looks like the French would prefer the guillotine, though. Now here in America, we're much more civilized. We would never think of rioting. Well, almost never. Instead, we're taking it to the election booth. By that I mean we, as a country, we have decided to nominate and try to elect the biggest group of space jockeys we could possibly find. They seem to be coming out of the woodwork. And it's knotwood woodwork. Now, I know that some time ago I suggested we elect Miss Piggy and Big Bird and the Cookie Monster, but come on folks. I didn't think you could ever find the likes of these candidates. Look, if you want to elect Angle or Paul or O'Donnell or Miller or Fiorinna and the rest, maybe you should think about rioting instead. The after shocks will be far less painful.

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