Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ahh. Who To Vote For?

Wouldn't ya wonder why anyone would want to be a lawmaker these days? What with the cost of running for office being so high and all the problems with the economy and all, being a Congressman or Senator would be very difficult work with not a whole lot of profit in either money or fame. More likely you'd wind up with a bad name because you couldn't solve the many problems. So how come we have so many folks who keep wanting to get reelected? Well, aside from the graft, some folks are just gluttons for punishment. But how about the opponents? Have you looked at the selection of misfits running against the incumbents? You go from a woman who assures voters she's not a witch, to a gal who sees headless horsemen or at least headless corpses in the desert, to a hitman from New York (where else), to a lady wrestler or more appropriately, a kick boxer, to an ex-CEO who sent a hundred thousand jobs overseas and was fired, to a guy who worked for Wall Street and on behalf of China, and how about the one who fired the maid because she was an illegal but the candidate knew it all along,  to a lady bear who quit her job as governor presumably because she saw Russia in the mirror, to a..... The list goes on and on. How come so many basket cases? Maybe it's because nobody sane was willing to run for office. But I like to think it's because they all drank from the same pot of tea.  It's not so much that these folks are running as it is that many of them have a real shot at winning. What does that say of the ones they're running against? These weird people have been telling their foes to "man up" or "put on your man pants". Well maybe they should have done that last year when they had the majority to do whatever they wanted. There are some "bluedog" Democrats who are really conservatives. In other words they should have been Republicans, but they won office because of Obama's coattails. They owe their office to him but seemed to have been afraid to vote with him for fear of loosing their seats. Now they're sure to loose them without having accomplished anything. Smart thinking, I say.

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