Friday, October 29, 2010

Don't Say Goodbye Just Yet.

Well this Tuesday is election day. This Wednesday the Democrats will begin moving out of Washington. Actually that won't happen until after the first of the year, but there's not much they'll be able to do after Tuesday. At least until January 2013 when they should be back in charge again. Say what? The Republicans have made themselves and the American people some big promises. Promises they can't possibly keep. But then that's nothing new for either party. The problem this time is the economy and that's not likely to be all roses in just two years. Especially if the Republicans keep their biggest promise. That is to do everything they can to get Obama ousted in 2012. To do that, they can't accomplish anything good because by default, it would make him look good. That was a dumb promise to make. You can want something too bad sometimes. And if you do, it usually comes back and bites you.So what does this mean for all of us? It probably means more bad news, more difficult times and even some backward steps. In other words, our elected officials will be doing what they always do. Screwing up the works. Don't ya just wish for once there weren't any parties? I mean, if there weren't any Democrats or Republicans or Teaparties or Independents, we could actually get things done in a thoughtful, helpful way. Ya. How long would that last?

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