Saturday, March 11, 2017

What's With This Guy?

       I have to say, the Secretary of the EPA is an odd fit for his department. Scott Pruitt just doesn't like the EPA's mission. He, along with our President, does not like clean water. They don't seem to like clean air either, but its the clean water they are really zeroing in on. Its been decided that it'll be okay to restart dumping earth and coal waste into any of the streams in the coal regions of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio, where mountaintop removal mining is done.
       Just scrape off the top of the mountain to get at a seam of coal and bulldoze everything else over into the streams below. Don't mind that those streams are what create the rivers that flow to cities that get their drinking water from, guess where? Scott can probably tell you, not that he cares.
       All this to save a dying industry. Coal is done, the mine owners just don't know it yet. And then there's the issue of Global Warming and human activity that is the major cause of it. Of course you didn't hear that from Mr. Pruitt. He's a climate change denier.
       Now if you were on a patio in rainy weather with one hundred scientists and ninety seven of them told you that it was going to rain more, but three said it wouldn't, would you join the ninety seven and go indoors or would you stay out in the rain? Because Scott Pruitt is going to stay out in the rain even if it means his corsage droops.
       Now President Trump doesn't seem to care one way or another about the climate. All he cares about is convincing you and I that he can produce new jobs in coal mining even if there's no demand for coal. In fact he's likely to try to create demand for that dying industry, even if it means destroying more jobs in new emerging energy industries. So while Scott and Donald don't care about clean water and climate change, I do, and you should too.

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