Sunday, March 12, 2017

Oh, Stop That.

       I read an Associated Press article today about "Niceness 101. Classes, workshops in civility aim to restore a sense of decorum to American public life." Ya see? That's the problem with politics these days. If you're Conservative you can't even have a conversation with a Liberal because neither of you are willing to listen to the other, even if the other has some valid points, just like you.
       Why is it that the arts of conversation and reconciliation have been discarded? If you vote Democrat, you can't tolerate someone who votes Republican and the same the other way around. We're running around in circles fighting with each other. And what comes of it? We wind up with legislation that won't pass the test of time.
       If we don't soon learn to work together again, we're going to lose our place as the leader of the whole world. And the free world will suffer deeply. The ideas of hardened partisanship just don't work for the good of our country. They might work okay, but just okay, for those parties individually, but if you can't work for each other and with each other you're never going to get anywhere permanently. What you pass today will be turned tomorrow.
       And quit saying you were able to pass a bill with bipartisan support when you got one or two votes from the other party. That's like claiming you were the life of the party when it was really a dream. Stop it. Stop acting like little children. Neither party has the answer. Both parties, together, might just find the answer. I don't think Trump will ever change, but the rest of us, all of us, can try.

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