Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Who's Enemy?

       I'm here to tell you the media is not the enemy of the American people. I will admit the media sometimes aggravates me to no end, but it is not my enemy and its not yours either. The media isn't even President Trump's enemy. Now, I know, for some that's hard to swallow. It certainly is hard for Trump to swallow. But if you and he stop for a minute and really, truly, listen or read what they're saying, then even if you disagree, you will have to admit its not an enemy speaking.
       How do I know that statement to be true? Because sometimes I disagree most vehemently and sometimes I agree just as vehemently. If you require the news media to always agree with you then you don't want news, you want propaganda. Accurate news is never, always, one sided because political beliefs are never always one sided.
       Real politics, the kind that work, are always a case of compromise. Demanding only one dogma, one set of demands with no compromise is not democratic. Its not what the founding fathers required, else they would have opted for a kingdom or a fake democracy such as exists in Russia today. The worst possible solution for all Americans is to have only one party rule. We all think we'd be better off with one party rule, always ours, but you can be sure that is an alternative fact. It never works for the good of the people.
       Fast talk and constant twitter do not make a bad thing good. And pointing out bad things is not the act of an enemy, its the job of a competent media. That's what they're supposed to do. That's how they keep our government on the straight and narrow. So be unhappy with the media, that's okay, but be happy we have an honest media.

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