The plan for the hated Obamacare law is finally coming together. Insurance companies, fearful of being stuck with poorly supported coverage plans are beginning to pull out of state exchanges. With a Republican president calling for the end to Obamacare and both houses of Congress steaming full speed ahead to design some sort of replacement, almost anything will satisfy them, so they can finally repeal the Affordable Care Act.
No wonder insurance companies are abandoning ACA, they fear it has become a sinking ship. not because it didn't work, it did, but because it has all the appearances of being destroyed by a vengeful Republican party leadership. From the beginning they said it could not and would not work. And to prove it they dreamed up death squads and a whole lot more. But in spite of all their efforts it did work.
One of the points used was the idea that it couldn't be fixed so it had to be repealed. But then a funny thing happened on the way to 2016. Millions of satisfied customers kind of liked it. Obamacare wasn't perfect, but it was working nicely for all those millions of people. That fact served to enrage the Republicans in Congress. Somehow they had to kill it before too many Americans got to liking it too much. In the lead-up to 2016, they tried sixty time to repeal or defund it, to no avail.
But give the Republicans credit. They never gave up on the idea of destroying this hated Obama law that gave medical insurance to millions who never had coverage before. No lie was too farcical to refuse to use. But with all their efforts, they can't come up with a plan of replacement that the American public will swallow. In the end, they're gonna have to allow for an individual mandate and almost all of Obamacare's parts in order to make it work and satisfy the public. It would have been so much easier to repair, but no, that would have given credit to Obama.
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