Thursday, March 10, 2016

What's A leader To Do?

       If you're running for the office of President of the United States, you need to take the time to sit down and figure out what the people of America really want and what they really need and what the difference between them is, not what's best for you, what you really want and need. If you can do that honestly, then the former will take care of the latter.
       So exactly what is it that's best for Americans? What do we really want and just what is it that we really need? Hey, I'm not running for the presidency or any other office. But if I were I'd think about good jobs and how to get and keep them here in America. I'd stop worrying about how best to get more money in the hands of the rich. The rich are already rich. That's why they call them the rich.
       The trick is to get the money into the hands of the middle class and the poor, because they aren't rich yet. The middle class and the poor need the kind of jobs that pay well. Well enough to support a family. They need a good education and the kind of training that will make them employable. They need to be able to stop worrying about health insurance and transportation and housing and all the little things that drag on ones mind. Most, if not all of those little worries can be handled by a good paying job with security.
       Most of all, I think, is the need for a stable government that can actually govern. This business of fighting over the scraps from the table of government largesse is a drag on the economy. When Americans see the revolving doors between government and lobbying and Wall Street, they just get disgusted and lose any respect for those leaders and the influence these leaders are peddling. And campaign cycles don't help. Not when candidates clamber for more for the rich and join in name calling. That's not leadership. You're embarrassing us.
       How about some real discourse over the needs of America instead of the desires of our potential leaders. I hope that if I were a candidate, that's what I'd do. I wish the actual candidates would take a time out from all the politicking and huddle up with their advisors and figure out what those two needs for Americans truly are, and then go back to campaigning the right way.

1 comment:

  1. You're right on, Ed with this blog's topic; in fact, if you're listening to the GOP debate now underway on CNN, the prospective candidates are talking about jobs and education -- or were; now moving on to the needs of senior citizens.
