Tuesday, March 22, 2016

How Safe Do You Feel?

        The FBI can't seem to get that terrorist's iPhone hacked. They've been trying to get Apple to crack it and Apple has been refusing to do it. Now they think they've found an outside company or individual to do it for them instead. But here's my question; Why can't the FBI or Homeland Security do it themselves? These are the folks we've entrusted to keep us safe. They can't crack this iPhone, but they think people at Apple and some other company know how to do it?
       Shouldn't they have people who can do it? I mean why don't they just go to the nearest middle school and offer some 8th grader a job cracking iPhones and other communications equipment. The next new devise as a gift would probably be incentive enough to make any kid willing.
       Okay, maybe they'd have to offer some college dropout a job to do it, but shouldn't they already have figured out they need someone with these skills? It looks like most terrorists use modern media to communicate, so wouldn't you think the FBI and all our other security agencies have figured out it might be helpful to have experts in those communications devises, under the age of seventy?
       Look, I don't want them hacking everybody's phone, but if the guy is dead, in the case of that California couple, or someone already proven to be a terrorist in court, shouldn't the FBI be able to check out the content in his phone? And if so, shouldn't they have folks who can do it on the payroll?
       Of course the next thing is to blame Obama for not having the hackers on the FBI payroll, or some Senate subcommittee chairman will be pointed at. But no such leader can be expected to handle all the little details. But somewhere in the middle management of the FBI and Homeland Security someone should have been aware of the need for such experts and where to look for such candidates. What it doesn't do is inspire confidence on the part of average citizens. That is if they think about such things.

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