Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Being Successful Doesn't Stop The Nitpicking.

       Think back to the last truly successful president we've had here in America. Think about these statistics. Under this president the Dow Jones Industrials increased by 10,000 points, unemployment dropped by two full percentage points, the GDP increased by 8.1 percentage points and the deficit decreased by 7%. And as if that weren't convincing enough, consumer confidence increased by 51%, from 37.7 percent to 88.7%.
       What recent president can claim these kinds of numbers? The answer is NOBODY. Well, actually, nobody except Barak Obama. Yep. Those are his numbers for six years. And when you stop to think about it, he did it in the face of tremendous obstructionism. Now I realize it's fun to badmouth the current resident of the White House, every one of them for at least the last half century. It's sort of like a national pastime, you know, like baseball, football, well okay, maybe not as bad as the NFL, but it's something that's expected of the "loyal opposition", and the more vile, the more fun.
       In fact congressional staffers of the "loyal opposition" are expected to research opportunities to find fault with the president and, God forbid, even his wife sometimes. Only the children of presidents have been left out of this [limelight?]. That's why one congressional staffer got her tongue caught in the
 ringer for badmouthing Obama's daughters. Do you think that's fair? I mean, shouldn't you be allowed to throw rotten eggs at them too? This poor woman was just doing her job energetically and POW, right in the kisser.
       I think there's a lesson here. You should never pick on the president's kids. Or maybe the lesson is some folks need to start banging away at this last bastion of protection until the general public accepts this kind of dirty fighting and begins to look forward to nasty shout-downs aimed at small and large children alike, of that despicable opponent, which means every opponent.

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