Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Walmart To All.

       On this special Thanksgiving day, let's all remember that not everyone will be able to enjoy this day of thanksgiving. Certainly Walmart is mindful of these unfortunate members of society. And to prove it's a caring and giving company, Walmart has set up a program for it's somewhat better paid employees to donate to it's not-so-well-paid so they too can enjoy a happy Thanksgiving day.
       Actually Walmart  is participating in this drive to help these lowly workers by providing the basket to hold the donations and to also provide the sign asking for donations. Lets never say that Walmart doesn't have a heart. They may not be willing to participate in actually donating anything, but they're not shy about asking their employees to do it.
       Sooo, the next time you need something from a store, please remember the kind-hearted giving nature of Walmart and shop elsewhere. After all, isn't the American way to be fair to all and to treat our fellow citizens with compassion? Well, yes, but that doesn't mean corporate executives should pay their employees a living wage. Only certain employees should expect to be paid enough to live on. Elsewise how would multi-billionaires be created and enriched?
       There are other reasons not to shop at Walmart too, like the fact that the vast majority of their products are manufactured in countries like China. Now I suspect that the Chinese people are good and loving people, but it's government is anything but a friend of ours. They manage to export inferior, tainted, poisonous, products to us in exchange for our indebtedness to them. They also steal our state and corporate secrets in order to mass produce cheap knockoffs. It's military and government work tirelessly to beat us down but we still flock to their worthless products rather than consider American made.
       Why would anyone turn their backs on the people who will protect them and at some point care for them not to mention support them, in favor of saving a dime on an inferior product from our enemy?       Happy Thanksgiving!

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