Monday, September 22, 2014


       The year was 2009, the day after President Obama was inaugurated, when the Minority leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, stood up on the floor of the Senate and stated that his goal was to see that President Obama would be a one term president. To accomplish that goal he led an historic minority charge to block any legislation that had the slightest chance of helping so many Americans suffering in the depths of  the Great Recession.
       At the same time there seemed to be a push by that same minority to protect the wealthy from suffering any inflictions from that same recession. And during the recovery, the first to enjoy all the fruits of a recovery, were those same wealthy. That left very little in the way of recovery for the huddling masses. The crumbs from the table, so to speak.
       Now that same minority in the Senate, coupled with the majority in the House of Representatives, are claiming Obama has been ineffective in helping the economy. The truth is that the reason for the sluggish recovery can be explained in a simple phrase. "ITOS! "It's The Obstruction Stupid." With the obstruction by the likes of Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, and whether or not you like Obama, the American economy has nearly stagnated. Only with near herculean effort has there been any improvement or help for Americans.
       Wouldn't you like to see some real improvement in our economy? In our American way of life? There is one simple act on your part that can bring that about for the good of our country. Eliminate the obstructionists in Congress. Send them home for a much deserved retirement.

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