Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fair Is Fair, Not Far.

       If you're an American company who shipped your jobs offshore, or shipped your headquarters offshore then we need to find a way to penalize you. If you're a company who kept your headquarters and jobs here, we need to find a way to reward you. But if you moved your jobs offshore, moved your headquarters offshore, we need to find a way to make it profitable for you to return both to America. We need to restructure corporate taxes to reward those who help America without rewarding American companies who hinder America.
       The real question is not whether or not this makes sense, it does. The real question is whether or not either political party has the will to do what is best for Americans. The time to be fair to others is not when you're down, the time to be fair to others is when you're on top. We are not presently on top. Nor have we been for some several years. The time is past for the need to help ourselves first. Unfortunately for far too many politicians, this means help themselves personally, first.
       This is not a Democrat or Republican idea. It's not a conservative or progressive idea. It's an American idea. It's a fair issue. Now, we should be fair to others less fortunate than us all the time, but we're not talking about helping those who need our help, we're talking about those who unfairly, if legally, took advantage of us. We should not treat them as well or even better that those who have helped us.
       So it's time to make the piper pay. The pipers have led our jobs away, both in manufacturing jobs and in the tax bases they took away from us. This is not the time for Americans to reward these companies. It's time to ask them to pay a greater duty on products and a loss of tax deferential and preferential treatment. It's only fair. Would that our leaders might see it that way.

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