Sunday, May 4, 2014

When Smart Guns Are Smarter Than You.

        Did you happen to notice all the hullabaloo over a couple of gun stores offering to sell a new "smart" gun? It seems that the  gun lobbies and NRA and gun rights enthusiasts and 2nd amendment freedom fighters really got stirred up over such a horrible attack on their rights. You got it, the folks who demand the right to have guns are dead set against guns. The safe kind.
       Apparently the right to keep and bare arms applies only to firearms that can be fired by anyone, including small children who find them in closets or under beds or criminals who steal them. But guns that are made to make it impossible for those children or those criminals to use them are contrary to that 2nd amendment and a grave danger to those rights to own and carry firearms.
       My understanding is that by allowing these guns to be sold, our government can somehow deny anyone and everyone from owning any firearms at all. Or that the government can somehow keep a registry of gun owners because of these guns, though I'm not sure how these guns alone can accomplish that.
       But there must be some way for these "smart" guns to do all this damage to our rights, because the two gun shop owners who had decided to sell these "smart" guns, one in California and one in Maryland, have received threats against their stores and their lives by a large number of irate citizens and the NRA (notice, the NRA is the bullying lobby of the gun manufacturers association).
       So what we have here is the folks who care most deeply about our right to keep and bare arms, only want us to keep and bare the arms they alone approve of. And when it comes to any gun that's smarter than them, they definitely do not approve. And that makes all the sense in the world if your world is smaller than a mustard seed.

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