Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Fraud Was Not With The Voters

       With all the other important stuff happening, like the ring George Clooney gave his fiancée or how long soldiers can have their hair or the fact that GIs can't have tattoos, you may have missed the fact that the Supreme Court got one right for a change. That is to say, the justices saw through a number of states' attempts to limit voting rights for the purpose of gaining voting advantages for their party. What caught these states was the fact that the phony reason for the limiting of voter rights to eliminate voter fraud, was in fact a fraud.
       The states in question could not show a single case of voter fraud that their laws would have prevented. But the laws would have prevented thousands of legitimate voters from exercising their rights. So, okay, what does it all mean? It means that about 20 or so states that had similar laws are done for. Not the states, but those laws are history in all but name. They'll all be taken to court and reversed, and good riddance.
       These laws were and are transparently anti-minority, anti-Democratic and completely unfair. Look at Pennsylvania for further proof, where the speaker of the Republican led house stated publically that it's law made it possible for Romney to win the state. Fortunately a state Appeals Court justice struck it down before the 2012 election.
       What America needs most is some way to get more people to vote in elections, not fewer. When elections are decided by subterfuge rather than majority votes, we lose the last vestige of freedom we have. We can little afford to give up this last opportunity to exercise that freedom by allowing money and power to engineer elections in their favor.

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