Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Who Is 15 Year Old Malala Yousafzai?

       A headline in the Washington Post today states that the mastermind of the terrorist's shooting of that young girl in Pakistan for wanting schools for girls, is hiding in Afghanistan. So I guess we have al-Qaeda hiding in Pakistan and they have Taliban hiding in Afghanistan. It's a shame we can't just trade terrorists so we'd each have our own.
       I know, I know, it's not a funny business to have terrorists anywhere and when you are forced to deal with them, it's even less humorous. But the thing is, the allies and Afghanistan and Pakistan should be doing everything they can to root these bad guys out. Instead, Pakistan doesn't seem willing to seek out bad guys in the Tribal Areas and the Allies or Afghanistan don't have enough forces in a few of the border provinces where the mountainous terrain makes it too difficult to find them.
       So this guy, Mullah Fazlullah, is able to slip back and forth with relative immunity. Just like so many other terrorists. But here's the thing. U.S. Intelligence Operations consider him a "person of interest." Osama BinLaden was a person of interest right up until he was a person of deceased interest. And Fazlullah is well aware of that fact, would be my guess.
       Some one of these days, when everybody has forgotten all about this extremist, when no reporters are writing about him, some intel officer will pick up some info on him and he'll become someone of deceased interest too. Which would then increase the interest in him by reporters but would decrease the interest in him by both Pakistan and Afghanistan. And the interest the U.S. Intelligence Operations had in him would cease.
       Ya see how things have a way of working out in the end? My mother always told me a little patience goes a long way. If the hunter has some patience and good eyes, he's always got the better odds.

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