Sunday, November 18, 2012

Smart Or Photo ID?

       Go figure. The Pennsylvania legislature and the Governor felt so strongly about voter fraud that they passed a law that required voters to obtain a photo ID with approved information. It was put on hold for the late election, but could be implemented for the next election. Now comes news that the state's legislative Budget and Finance Committee appointed a commission to look into the possibility of fraud perpetrated against the Department of Public Welfare.
       It seems that they've finally gotten around to thinking about welfare fraud. But the recommendation is that photo IDs are too expensive. It's recommended instead that, so called, smart cards be used. They don't have the photo. That way, instead of it costing the state $8 each for a photo ID, they would only cost about $1.50 each.
       So let me see if I understand. Photo IDs for voting, where there is almost no proof of fraud is okay, but welfare checks can be protected for $1.50 each. Now whether or not there's fraud in welfare aside, why would you want to spend more than five times as much for voting IDs than for giving money to people.
       Ya know what? If I wanted to commit fraud, it seems to make sense that I would commit fraud where I can get some money. But maybe the folks in Harrisburg know better than me. Maybe there's a lot more illicit money to be made by voting twice than there is by getting a bunch of welfare checks.
       The question is, who do you have to know to get in on this voting money? I have to say that nobody ever offered me anything of a financial nature to vote an extra time or two. Of course, to be fair, I never asked around. And since I don't quite qualify for welfare, I never asked about a couple extra applications there either. Have I been missing out on a sure bet?
       Then again maybe it's not about extra money. Maybe it's about electing my man. But if the race gets that close that my one extra vote makes the difference, then maybe it should be about money. What am I saying? It's already about money. It's about deep pockets shelling out millions to elect their guys. And I don't get ta play in that league.


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