Monday, August 13, 2012

There's No Good Guy, There's Only Bad Outcomes.

What would you do if you were president. Right now. Start with Syria. The rebels are clamoring for the U.S. to take some actions. Like a no fly zone and weapons. But they're not alone. Pundits and politicians are recommending action or even demanding it, for humanitarian reasons and for political reasons too. On the other hand, can we really afford to get into this civil war? But a monster is killing his own people in order to keep what he doesn't deserve. He's a partner in crime with the leaders of Iran. Setting up a no fly zone in Syria would be very dangerous. That's because Assad has a sophisticated air defense program, as shown in the downing of a Turkish plane. So it's a manpower and finance question. Whatta ya do Mr or Ms President? There are opposition leaders who are finding fault with your inaction, but as with our intervention in other mid-east countries, when we did something, they started finding fault with the fact that we did something. And I honestly don't think that either party would act differently this time. So you're gonna be accused of being the bad guy either way. Now, do you spend our young men and women and our money to do the right thing? Or do you do the right thing by staying out of it, militarily? Here's a better question. Can we afford it? Do we have troops to do the work needed to handle the job? Where do we get the money to do it? Our military has been overextended for a long time. How many times can we keep sending our youth into harms way? And the last two wars we borrowed the money to go to war. Can we afford to do that again? Can we afford to raise taxes to do it? So you wanted the presidency, huh? Well you got it. Don't choke on it.

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