Saturday, August 25, 2012

Picking The Fight.

There's been a knock down, drag out fight going on in Washington for a few years now. Like family fights, its all about money. The Democrats want to spend it and the Republicans want to save it. Now when you're in debt, as we are, saving money is the right thing to do. You save money to pay the debt down. But remember that both parties did the overspending that caused the debt. And when there isn't enough money to cover your expenses, you have to cut out some of the things you spend money on. They will need to be stopped, eliminated or at least slowed. In Washington that means entitlements mostly. That's the Republican view and it's the right thing to do. However, the only thing is that we're way beyond just that small imbalance in our family budget. We'd have to cut much more than the entitlements. We can't even pay for the necessities. Like repairs to the house and car. Or in the case of our country, we can't afford to repair our infrastructure or even the dome on the capital building which has over 1300 cracks in it. Now without those repairs to the roof, the interior will begin to fall apart. So without those repairs, serious damage will result, thereby costing much more. Now at home, dad and maybe even mom goes out and finds as second job to be able to afford those repairs. In Washington the Democrats want to increase the governments income too. The only (second job) available to the government is more taxes. The only problem with that is that the Republicans have sworn not to raise the historically low taxes now being paid. The Democrats say that without the proper tax increases, they won't agree to entitlement cuts because that wouldn't be enough. See what I mean? It's just like at home. The fights are almost always about money. Even when they're about something else, they're about money.

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