Friday, March 30, 2012

To Arms, To Arms. Save Our Veggies.

Okay, let's see a show of hands. How many of you wash your veggies before eating or cooking? Why do you do that? You think that by washing off any pesticide residue on that veggie will make it safe to consume huh? Well sorry to burst your bubble, but that only helps a little. Change of subject. How many of you know about how the honeybee population has been in collapse the last few years? Back to old subject. They've found, in studies, that the problem may be in the fact that certain pesticides with a nicotine base are injected into plant seeds which then permeate the whole plant including pollen and nectar. They think this may be killing the bees and in some cases confusing bees so they do not return to the hive. The thing is, it's not in strong enough concentrations to kill all at once, so it seems to be working over time. So maybe over a matter of a season, or several years, the hives are dying off or collapsing. If it's true that these internal pesticides are the problem, what about you and, even more importantly, what about me? I eat some of those veggies. What if I forgot how to get home? Authorities would assume it's the onset of dementia. If that happens, you tell them I'm not demented. Tell them I've just been eating my veggies like a good little boy. But what about that? Why, they even put veggies in babyfood. I'm beginning to think this is a plot hatched by those who would do harm to America. Probably some liberal. Or who knows, maybe a conservative. But not both.

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