Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Stand Your Ground, Or Else.
Lets talk guns. Or better yet, lets talk show downs at OK corral streets around the country. There are twenty one states including Florida where you are allowed to shoot to kill and claim you felt threatened and are then free to go. One Florida State attorney suggested that if you have an argument with somebody in a bar, you can call them out into the street and have a duel. The winner can then claim he felt threatened and presto, no crime was committed. These laws are called "stand your ground" laws. They go particularly well with laws that make acquiring and carrying a gun easy. So if you can step up to the fast gun shop and order one with extra ammo, to go, you can then shoot the clerk for shortchanging you and claim it was in self defense of your wallet. Now just about every state allows you to protect your life and your family in your home and call it self defense, but these laws cover you anywhere. If I were a preacher on a Sunday morning, I'd be careful about threatening the congregation with eternal damnation. Shots could ring out along with the bells. It could well be the sermon heard round the world. Florida passed it's law a couple of years ago. It was pushed by the National Rifle Association. No surprise there. I think it's getting to the point when it may be time for the NRA to change it's name to the "National Guns Are Us" (NGAU) or "Sponsored by All the Gun Makers of America" SAGMA) organization. It really doesn't appear that the NRA does much about rifles anymore, well except for assault rifles. But they sure do like promoting gun toting. In fact there aren't very many places where you can go where concealed guns are not permitted. Can you imagine the next step? "The floor recognizes Congressman Jones who has the floor because he has his gun drawn, the approved method for arresting debate on this bill". All those in favor, shoot all those opposed. BANG. The Eyes have it and are innocent because of self defense. Now I don't advocate shooting congressmen, but I wouldn't mind unloading a bunch of them.
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