Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Who's Running This Show, Anyway?

When you follow politics, in my opinion., you're looking for trouble. And that's just what you're likely to find. There's an ad that's been running on TV lately about a guy who is predicting the fall of the U.S. Government, and much worse. He has supposedly predicted the bankruptcy of GM and the same of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and probably everything that has happened since the beginning of time. Now I don't know if this guy's prediction will come true. But I remember reading a book back in the 70s titled "How to profit from a monetary crisis". This book instructed me to buy silver and gold, stock up with food to last for a year and buy some guns. Seeing the unrest around the world, it's easy to predict such desperate times here in this country. My guess is that there will be some folks who will do just that. Heck, I'm sure there are lots of folks that have already done that. Been doing it for years now. Just waiting for the time when things will fall apart, our government will collapse and anarchy will prevail. I think they look forward to such a time. But is that what we should be doing? I mean, times are tough. Our government has completely forgotten how to function, unemployment is high and has been for several years. And the president nor congress has any idea to fix it, or rather, they have conflicting ideas. Now, it's not bad to have conflicting ideas. It's just that they still need to come to a conclusion, which requires some negotiation and even a little bartering. Give and take, so to speak. These folks in Washington no longer seem to understand that concept. So, the time has come for all of us to wake up, get up, call each of them and explain that if they don't wake up, get up and do their job, we'll replace them. In fact, at this point we need to do that anyway. Boy. If this isn't the right time for term limits, it never will be.   

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