Friday, August 5, 2011

It May Be No Big Deal To Some, But It Is The Constitution.

Here in America we have this thing we call a Constitution. It's a small thing, but it's ours. We sort of like to follow it's instructions. Which is why I am so confused. If you listen to Republicans, especially Tea Party folks, you hear them talk all the time about following the Constitution. They talk about getting back to following the Constitution and what the forefathers envisioned. But if you read the Constitution and listen to them, you'd think they were talking about something else. They talk about a Christian  nation where others aren't really welcome. By others I think they mean non white, non Christian. Another thing you might wonder about is how the Constitution they talk about all the time calls for majority rule.  But since they're in the minority, they think they should rule. Now the Constitution says that not only should the majority rule, but it should always be vigilant to make sure the rights of the minority not be trampled upon. Ya know, that's a really good idea. We should always try to be fair to the minority. And I think we have. After all, we seem to have allowed them to take over the government and run the country. The thing is, however, they don't seem to be worried about the rights of the majority.  I guess it's a fine point, but I suppose it's not the responsibility of the minority to be vigilant about the rights of the majority. Now to be fair, the Republicans do hold the majority in the House of Representatives. But the Tea Party isn't even a majority in the Republican party. So here you have something like 15 or 20 percent of the Congress, completely in charge. How did they do that? Who gave them that much authority? What's that? You say they just took it? How did they do that? Do you suppose the rest of the Republican party and all of the Democrat party just cowered in the corner and let them? I'll bet that's exactly what happened. Boy I'll bet the president has chastised them for this infringement on the Constitution. What's that? You say the president is in the corner too? Well, who's in charge of the government? Oh, that's right. You did say the Tea Party is in charge. Well, I guess there won't be any new jobs until the debt is cleared up. I think the predictions are that will happen right after a comet crashes into the earth and destroys all life on the planet. Where would the Tea Party be without a Constitution.

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